Monday, March 11, 2013

Parenting and Jogging - Challenges




From time to time I faced some challenges to my training program.


A rolled ankle in a basketball game meant I missed two sessions of jogging.


A couple of 46˚ Celsius days meant it was simply too hot to be outside let alone jog.


School camp for one week meant I was unable to have the time to run for those four days.


Occasionally it would be raining when I had scheduled a training run.


So how did I respond to the challenges?


For the rolled ankle and hot days I swam at an indoor pool instead.


During the camp I took a long fast walk along the beach instead of a run (I discovered I can’t run on soft sand – way too much effort for my muscles!)


When it was raining, I still ran – so lovely and refreshing.


The parenting journey has some challenging times too.


Some days are just one long challenge.


Expecting them can help a little. I didn’t expect a problem free day with my toddlers so I wasn’t surprised when I had issues to sort through.


Being as proactive as possible was helpful. Thinking through in advance what may happen when I took my toddlers to the shops today and how I would respond greatly improved my chances of responding more calmly to the situation.


Also thinking through challenges afterwards was beneficial. If the trip to a friend’s house for a play was a disaster, then I would try and identify where it all went wrong and have a new plan for the next visit.


Challenges are part of any journey.


Keeping eyes on the goal will ensure you keep moving forward.