Monday, February 4, 2013

Parenting and Jogging - Pain









Oh the pain!!


Those first few runs were painful.


Very painful.


Every step hurt. Every breath was laboured. Every muscled ached. I hurt in places I didn’t know even had muscles. It was not fun.


Did I think about giving up?




When I make a decision I see it through. I knew pain was part of the process. Before the pain hit, I had determined to see it through.


It was worth it.


My goal was in front of me.


Were you expecting the pain of parenting?


Parenting with intent, with a goal in view, will involve pain. Your child will give you pain, others will give you pain, and you yourself will feel the pain of bad judgements or simply bad, grumpy, horrible, ugly days.


Do we give up?




It will be worth it.


Keep your goal in front of you.