Monday, June 1, 2015

Looking Back: Teen Mum #3

Looking back: Teen mum #3


Thankful for:

  1. A plan for each day. Simply having a pattern of what I wanted the day to look like gave me a starting point and a basic idea of what to do next. The day never followed the plan perfectly, but it was a great guide to have, especially on those (many) tiring days.


  1. A big picture plan. I had an idea of what I wanted my little ones to be like when they were 18 year old young men and women. So when I was making decisions for the day, It is the daily decisions that shape character and direction so I could say 'yes' or 'no' on the basis of my long term goal.


  1. I am thankful that I focused a lot of my training on self-control. However, if I could go back in time I would focus more training on controlling emotions. Our emotions scream at us to be heard and obeyed, and listening to facts over feelings is a great basis for wise decision making in adulthood.