Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Parenting and Jogging - Progress


So about three months into my training, it all suddenly got easier. The pains in my legs dulled, my breathing become regular and easy and my recovery time was dramatically shortened.


My muscles firmed a little and my feet were now comfortable in proper running shoes and no longer ached afterwards. My times were gradually (very gradually) decreasing. I was meeting my goals to increase the kilometres ran each month and I was feeling strong.


This progress was incredibly motivating. I started to look forward to each run, and felt a little sad on the rest days as I was keen to have another chance to stretch the run and improve my times.


I was experiencing the tangible results of all the hard work.


It was finally fun!


Parenting is similar. In those early years there is so much hard work to do. Laying the foundation of self-control and obedience is the focus of those very long days. Each day seems very similar to the one before, and there are many tears and heartaches along the way.


Gradually however, buds of fruit emerge. Room play is no longer the huge battle it was. Outside play is calm and pleasant, bath time is without tears and bed time eases gently into sleep.


You reap what you have sown.


You reap slowly, bit by bit.


You reap in the next season.


It takes time.


Enjoy the fruit.   






Monday, February 18, 2013

Parenting and Jogging - Community

Our Christmas holiday house was right across the raod from a very long beach. Along the water each morning and evening there would be hundreds of people jogging and walking.

Most of the runners were super tanned and super fit. I would see more six packs in an hour than I see all year! One guy had such defined muscles all over his body that at first glance I thought he was wearing a plastic muscle suit!

It was so fun to run with other people who also enjoy it. Simply being on the same path gave me a sense of belonging and affirmation. There was a feeling of purpose and achievement that was quite pleasing.

Although we were each jogging at our own pace, for our own distance, for our own goal; collectively we were the same in terms of chosen exercise and the importance we placed on that.

I came away from that week inspired to keep running. Just knowing that there were others who were also doing their bit in their corner of the world was a motivation to keep moving.

Likewise in my parenting journey, I am motivated and inspired by gatherings of like-minded families. Spending a weekend with those who are also intentional in their parenting, who set goals for their children and who have a clear idea of what they would like the finish line to be characterised by is inspiring.

It is a privilege to learn from those who are walking ahead of me and to encourage those walking behind to keep going.

Monthly meetings with other mums can provide a lot of the practical how-to’s for everyday life. These meetings can also be enriching for the children as they play and grow together.

A community can keep you on the road during the hard times, and is a refreshing interlude along your parenting journey. 








Monday, February 11, 2013

Parenting and Jogging - Encouragement







So, in those early weeks of running, the family dinner conversation would often turn to the plans Emily and I had set.

Emily would express her doubts.

“It’s such a long way to run.”

“We will be racing with people who have spent years running.”

“We will have to get up sooo early to race.”

“Maybe they will close the course before we finish, if our pace is too slow.”

Do you think a 10 km race would be more realistic to aim for?”

However, when we were actually running, she was a huge encourager.

“You are doing great, mum!”

“That’s it, just keep going.”

“You can do it!”

“We are almost there, just one more corner!’

When I was sitting in my lounge room, I felt supremely confident that I could accomplish my goal. I was excited and motivated and enjoyed planning out my program. The doubts of others were easily countered.

When I was actually running however, my confidence would wane. I was in pain, my muscles hurt, it was a struggle to breathe and I was barely finishing one lap (out of my final goal of 8 laps).

I needed the encouragement in the midst of the hard work.
In the midst of the struggle.
In the midst of the pain.

Likewise with my parenting. it is in the hard moments that encouragement and  friendship is most appreciated.

And needed.



Monday, February 4, 2013

Parenting and Jogging - Pain









Oh the pain!!


Those first few runs were painful.


Very painful.


Every step hurt. Every breath was laboured. Every muscled ached. I hurt in places I didn’t know even had muscles. It was not fun.


Did I think about giving up?




When I make a decision I see it through. I knew pain was part of the process. Before the pain hit, I had determined to see it through.


It was worth it.


My goal was in front of me.


Were you expecting the pain of parenting?


Parenting with intent, with a goal in view, will involve pain. Your child will give you pain, others will give you pain, and you yourself will feel the pain of bad judgements or simply bad, grumpy, horrible, ugly days.


Do we give up?




It will be worth it.


Keep your goal in front of you.