Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year - New Focus

I'm at the stage of life where I have the privilege of a few days on my own each Januray. With kids at camp or work this week, I have had the freedom to pray and think through the coming year.

The chance to start fresh is so appealing.

Is it the hope of something better?

Something more?

There are obviously lots of ways to set goals or plans for the year. I still like to think things through according to categories of social, spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional areas. It works for me.

So one goal for each category for myself includes:

- one fun time with a special friend each month

- memorise a whole chapter of scripture

- complete another Masters paper (slowly getting to the end!!)

- play competitive basketball and tennis again this year

- enjoy learning to play simple hymns on the keyboard.

I do the same with each child, although now I have mostly only one to plan for
as my other two are young adults now.

I try to be realistic, with only a few goals set in each category so as not to overwhelm myself or my child.

To live deeply, with passion and purpose.