Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Coping with Happiness

How can I help my little one handle times of happiness?

Life is fun.

Life is happy.

Life is good.

Our precious little ones laugh a lot.

Sometimes when they are alone.

Sometimes when they are being tickled or chased.

Sometimes when they are receiving a treat.

As kind parents we respond in kind.

We laugh with them.

 We play with them.

We provide them with good things.

So what should we do when they are happy?

Often we will be happy with them.

Sometimes though, we will need to help them modify their responses.

Squealing for a prolonged period of time can cause discomfort to other people's ears.

It is okay to be happy, but it is not okay to squeal for a long time.

Shouting in excitement at an extreme volume can cause discomfort to other people's conversations or naps.

It is okay to be excited, but it is not okay to be super loud.

Running around hysterically and jumping on and off furniture can be dangerous for others.

it is okay to be delighted about a treat, but it is not okay to run around in a reckless manner.

One of my children in particular would become super excited on receiving a gift, hearing that a visitor was coming or that a treat was planned. This child needed instruction in how to express this happiness in appropriate ways. So in times of non-conflict we would role-play receiving a gift or good news and actually act out how to respond in a way that expressed pleasure, yet was also kind to others.

We need to help our little ones walk through these situations, rather than simply excusing their outbursts due to their age.

Life is fun.

Life is happy.

Life is good.

Yes, walking through happy times together can strengthen relationships and build your child's faith.