Sunday, March 23, 2014

Questions from Bathurst Mums

How can I teach my child not to throw food off the highchair?

Be calm and consistent

Only give him a few items of food at a time

Use a quiet, firm voice and gently squeeze his hands each time

Do not give him the food back

Teach him to use sign language for 'all done' and 'more please'

How can I teach my child to be happy in the trolley/pram while I get the groceries/pay bills etc?

Be calm and consistent

Choose the best time in the day to be out - preferably when she is well rested and well fed.

Practise sitting and focusing at home each day with play activities such as books and puzzles

Include the child in the process as much as you can e.g. counting apples into the bag, looking for the milk etc

Model a cheerful spirit and a happy face each day

My son plays outside a few times each day - how can I help to extend this time? When he gets bored he will come and find me.

Be calm and consistent

Show him how to play with the sand toys and other outside toys

Start the time with morning or afternoon snack

Have a timer or song to indicate when it is time to pack up, extend this out in 5 minute increments

Spend the first 5 - 10 minutes outside with him modelling a game he can play on his own