Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Heart Issues - Anger Outbursts

Dora exploded again.

Mum asked her to share her 128-crayon set with her sister.

Dora wanted all of everything for herself, always.

To combat this selfish tendency, mum and Dora had a mission month.

Almost everyday they sought out an opportunity to give to someone else.

A cake for the neighbour.

A muffin to share with a friend at school.

Babysitting a younger one after school for an hour or too.

Pulling the weeds in the front garden as a surprise for Dad.

Creating a card to send to a teacher who was unwell.

As mum and Dora looked to give and serve,, Dora started to focus more on others than herself, and slowly was more willing to share and give. She was much happier.

Darindah was so frustrated.

Her younger sibling got away with so much, and it just wasn't fair. He was always allowed into her room to play with her special treasures. She never had uninterrupted time on her own.

A friend pointed this out to Darindah's mum. It md sense to her, so changes were made.

Darindah had the freedom to close her bedroom door and her brother had to ask to enter. She had an hour each afternoon, just before dinner to play on her own while her brother had his room play.

Darindah's outbursts of seeking justice diminished noticeably.

David seem to get really angry over such little things.

Sometimes he couldn't even say what he was angry about.

His parents  had tried every punishment they could think of. He was still having numerous angry outbursts each day.

Looking over his day they realised that David was spending a lot of each day paying on his own, choosing his own activities and having a lot of 'aimless' time.

So they had a simple pattern of different play times - outside play, table play, DVD time, LEGO play, reading time, drawing time, etc - to form his day. They included two special paly with mummy times and one special night time daddy play as well as the family time straight after dinner.

The angry outbursts that were cries for focused attention vanished over night.

David felt loved and secure.