Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Melancholy - let's do it the right way!

The melancholy has the ability to organise, can set long range goals and has high ideals. They analyze deeply and complete tasks well and on time.

Melancholy types can be easily depressed as they remember the negatives and tend to be suspicious of others. They usually overprepare and become too focused on details.

As leaders they organise well, are sensitive to others, are deeply creative and want quality performance. They are afraid of making a mistake, having their feelings misunderstood and having to compromise standards.

They get depressed when life is out of order and when standards aren't met. Then they intend to withdraw, give up, get depressed and cry.

Melancholy nature is serious and sensitive and enjoys private time.

Parenting this type needs to focus on helping them get thier emotions under control and to speak words of life to others. It is also important that they have an area of their own that can be tidy and right.