Monday, February 6, 2012

Choleric - let's do it my way!

The strength of the choleric is their ability to take charge, to make quick, correct judgements and to be goal oriented. They desire to have control and are full of ambition, energy and passion.

Weakness include the tendency to be bossy, insensitve, quick to anger, impatient and unwilling to delegate. They can be unwilling to give credit to others.

They have a natural feel for what we work and sincerely believe they can achieve. Their greatest fear is losing control of everything.

Choloerics get depressed life is out of control and when people won't do things their way. They react to stress by tightening control, working harder and yelling.

They are recognised by their fast moving approach to life, self-confidence and a restless attitude.

Parents of the choleric child need to ensure the chid has an area they can be in control of (e.g. one section of the yard, a portion of their toys) and will need to focus on self-control training.
Instructions need to be calm, firm (unmoving) and non emotional.