Parenting Toddlers is hard work.
Days are full of activity and mess and chores
and noise.
It is a season of setting patterns
and boundaries and foundations.
Toddlers are wanting to be in charge
of their day, and parents are gently showing them that they are in charge.
It is a busy season.
Wherever possible, say yes.
Say yes to fun – having a ‘midnight’ (closer
to 8 pm) ice cream from a drive thru restaurant.
Say yes to new experiences – like experimenting
with blocks of woods and nails.
Say yes to mess – like jumping in
puddles while it is raining.
Say yes to memory makers – like eating
lunch in the blanket house made in the playroom.
Say yes to stopping – like watching
the snail or ants in the garden.
Say yes to learning – like reading a
children’s picture dictionary together.
Say yes to silliness – dancing wildly
to a special song.
Say yes to make-believe – sit and
really play with them for 20 – 30 minutes a day and really enter the
imagination with them.
Say yes to enjoying these precious
moments of this season.
Say yes!