Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What can I do with my two year old all day?

6. Enjoy doing household tasks together.

* setting the table (starting with plastic plates and cups before moving onto china crockery)

* sorting the clean washing (starting with small items and moving to bigger ones)

* weeding together (or giving them their own little patch of garden to care for)

* washing the car together - great fun in Summer!

* packing up after each activity throughout the day to teach orderliness.

* sweeping together (at first they make more mess, but eventually they are a help)

* taking an active part in shopping with counting objects and naming colours of labels etc

* making their bed (the standard will gradually improve over time if you keep encouraging)

* dusting together (especially if they have their own colourful duster to use each time)

* 'helping' with the fixing of broken bits (with their own small hammer and nails and wood blocks).