Monday, October 31, 2011

Backbone Parents

What does a backbone do?

It supports the whole body - maximising movement and function.

What is it made of?

Lots of little bones.

What do parents with backbones do?

They support the whole child - desiring to maximise the intellectual, social, physical, emotional and spiritual functions of the child.

What is it made of?

Lots of little 'no's'.

Backbone parents have the strength to say 'no' to their toddlers;

- 'no' to having lollies for dinner

- 'no' to showing disobedience

- 'no' to running across the busy road

- 'no' to taking that toy from another child

- 'no' to expresing emotions in that way  etc etc.

Backbone parents have the strength then to say 'no' to their teens;

- 'no' you can't wear that

- 'no' you cannot watch that

- 'no' you cant be on the computer continuously

- 'no' you can't take your phone to bed with you

- 'no' I will not allow you to speak with disrespect to your peers or parents.

The little 'no's' will strengthen your backbone.
Practicing saying 'no' to your toddler,
will help prepare to you to say 'no' to your teen.

Backbone parents are focused on holiness not happiness.
They are gentle and kind, knowing kids need boundaries.

Backbone parents raise teens who are confident, secure and ready for real life.

Are you strenghtening your beackbone today?