Monday, April 25, 2011

They love enough . .

A mother and father who love their children cannot allow them to go their own way. They desire for them freedom and joy, things that no human being can find without instruction, example and correction. If only the parent could make them see that the purpose in all these things is the children's ultimate happiness and wholeness.

They love them enough to say no to most TV programs, no to staying up as late as some of their friends, no to junk food.

They love them enough to require an hour of solitude and quiet for each child each afternoon.

They love them enough to stand by while the children learn to do things by themselves, things that parents are strongly tempted to do for them.

They love them enough to allow them, when their growth in wisdom and independence require it, to be hurt, to struggle, and at times, even to fail.

page 147, Discipline: The Glad Surrender, by Elisabeth Elliot