Thursday, May 27, 2010

Learnig style of toddlers

Caleb loved to line up all his little matchbox cars, one after the other, over and over again. Em enjoyed arranging and rearranging all her bears on her bed. Sam was quite happy putting pegs in and out, in and out, in and out, of a container while in his high chair.

Toddlers love to repeat things. Over and over and over.

A favourite book can be read hundreds of times, yet still delight.

A favourite game can be played in exactly the same way each time (e.g. hiding in the same spot for hide-n-seek over and over!) yet still brings squeals of joy.

Our training of heart virtues into the lives of our precious wee ones also requires repitition - patient explaining and showing and encouraging - over and over.

It is how toddlers learn. Enjoy the process!