Sunday, May 11, 2008

Zip and Zap

Zip and Zap. Okay, yes, I was stuggling to come up with some words starting with Z!!

However these words can relate to speed.

Do you hear yourself saying "Hurry Up" to your toddler as you are trying to get out of the door?
What does "hurry Up" mean to your toddler? Probably not a great deal. They are concrete thinkers at this age. They need to SEE, FEEL or DO to understand.

Practice packing up quickly (at a time when you are NOT rushing out the door). We would ask our toddler to press his speed button, on his tummy, and then pack up his toys fast. We would do this with him for the first few weeks to show exactly what 'fast' looked like, It was noisy and fun and quick.

Then when we were in a hurry, we could press our speed buttons and zip and zap out the door!!