Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Toy Tidiness

Have a system for your toys.

We had ten litre, blue and red, rectangular tubs for most of the toys.
This made starting play time super quick as I could just grab one tub and knew they could play.
It made pack up wonderfully easy too, as right from the start we would pack up one tub before we pulled out the next one. So I never ended the day with a mountain of toys to sort and put away.
We had a tub each for Duplo, trains, cars, wooden blocks, dolls, tea set, animals, instruments, craft, puzzles, card games, and a 'bits' box filled with odds and ends toys that were not a set.
If the 'bits' tub was getting too full, then it was time to have a quick sort through and start a bag of toys to pop into a charity bin, to share with others.

Pieces were rarely lost or broken, and dad came home to a clean house too - mostly!!