Sunday, February 28, 2016

Fun with your Toddler

Do you plan a bit of fun into each week?

It is nice for you and your toddler to have something to look forward to.
Dress up day on Friday.

Movie and popcorn watching on Saturday.

A trip to the lake to feed the ducks.

A discovery walk around the neighbourhood to look at the flowers.

A visit to the building site to watch the trucks at work (a huge favourite with one of my boys!)

Messy craft morning on Thursdays (keeping the clean-up to just once a week!)

Story time when you dress up and act out a story.

Picnic lunch at the park each Wednesday.

Or just have one day a week, e.g. FRIDAY FUN DAY, with a mystery fun time that you can organise on the spot or the day before depending on the weather or finances or current interests.
Enjoy having fun J

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A New Year

It is usually about this time of the year when the new pattern is finally established.

The training days for soccer are set, the dance class times are chosen, and the music lesson is booked.

I always like to have the weekly plan sorted for the new year.

Then I can work out the chores schedule for the week, and which little one would be helping 'cook' dinner on which night.

Having a plan is a helpful guide.

Having a flexible structure for the week is a helpful platform for ensuring all the bits and pieces of the week are fitted in and ensures that life is balanced.

Now, with young adult children, it is interesting to see how they choose to structure their week. Some have a little more planning than others!

Enjoy the year.

Enjoy the little moments.

Enjoy the milestones.

Have fun!