Monday, February 23, 2015

Tiredness Tantrums



Tiredness tantrums


1. Model self-control and patience yourself

2. Look at your weekly pattern. Do you have a mix of home days and out days in the week? Check your daily pattern. Do you have a mix of busy activities and quiet activities each day?

3. Ensure you have a ritual that you follow before nap and night time sleep that is predictable and calming to help prepare them for long, continuous sleep patterns.


1. Do not give them an audience

2. Do not try and dialogue with them

3. Pop them into bed for a nap


1. Cuddle them and tell them that you love them

2. Re-evaluate your patterns. Do you need to be home more? Do you need to mplement some quiet play periods into each day? Do you need to move nap or bedtime sleep times?

3 Gently and patiently teach self-control so that they can choose right even when they are tired.


Frustration Tantrums


Frustration Tantrums

These are caused by the limitations of their development. Examples include trying to fit a bike between a tree and a fence, waiting for a turn in a board game, having a doll sit up for the tea party or stacking blocks in a high tower.



1. Model self-control and patience yourself

2. Sit and play with your child and demonstrate how to do the challenging task

3. Teach the child to raise his hand to ask for help rather than fusss


1. Do not give them an audience

2. Do not try and dialogue with them

3. Remove the object of frustration and isolate the child until they are calm


1. Administer a meaningful age appropriate consequence

2. Role-play expected behaviour for next time. Practice riding the bike and then asking for help when the bike gets stuck. Play tea parties with the dolls and model asking for assistance to sit the dolls up.

3. Gently and patiently teach obedience and self-control so they can choose right even when they are frustrated.





Each morning that greets me is full of hope.

Not because I am successful at what I am doing,

Or because the people near me appreciate me,

Or because circumstances are easy,

But because



And He is my Father.

To look at the morning any other way

is to believe a lie.

To live in hope is to live in truth;

To live in truth is to bring Him glory;

To bring God glory in my daily living

is the highest from of worship.

Timothy Lane and Paul David Tripp