Tuesday, November 30, 2010



I have just finished watching the IDENTITY dvd by David and Charissa Scotford.

It is beautifully shot in our Great South Land (between lovely Perth and wonderful Broken Hill)

and is just over 15 minutes long.

The focus is on bringing out the best in our children, encouraging and guiding them to be all they should be.

The presentation is practical, biblical and very balanced.

I encourage you to check it out via their website.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How can eternity influence daily tasks?

" When I used to sit down for devotions with our four boys at home my mind wasn't simply, "Ok, I have a duty as a dad: I'm supposed to do devotions at night." My mind was, "What will they become?"

We did devotions daily.

The goal isn't just to fulfill some little task that dads are supposed to do. Rather, you're building men who hopefully someday will have absorbed so much of God and so much of the Bible that it's going to shape their whole world.

And they might wind up going to Pakistan to help build shelters for earthquake victims."