Saturday, January 31, 2009

Naturally Naughty

Every toddler is born beautiful (or handsome!) and each is so special.

Delightful moments of laughter, silly games, funny sayings and poignant memories characterise their life. The daily hard work is punctuated with incredible feelings of love, joy and thankfulness.

Yet, as parents we have a job to do. Despite the gorgeous personality, the character needs some work. The desire to be self-pleasing and self-ruling is naturally evident in each little life. A parent needs to gently and consistently model right from wrong, virtues, habits and life philosophy.

The naturally naughty can be guided towards mostly naturally nice!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Magnificent Mud

Do let your boys be boys.

Playing in the mud, driving bikes through a mud puddle, playing cars and trucks in it, and of course making mud pies is wonderful fun for messy toddler boys!

Yes, they are experiencing the sensaation of oozy, wet mud, but mostly they are simply enjoying playing.

Pop them outside in an old set of clothes, then strip them down in the laundry when they are done and pop them in a lovely warm bath.

It will be the highlight of their day!