Thursday, May 28, 2009

Usual Usual

So much of every day life is usual.

The same usual usual.
Every mum, even those who absolutely adore being a mum,
have moments of angst.

View this video at

on Rachel Barkey and be moved and inspired.

And appreciate the usual usual.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Toddling Toddlers

Watching our new little toddlers 'toddle' about is such fun.
They wobble and sway but are just soo intent on exploring.

Outside discovery is so lovely, they touch (and sometimes taste!)
the leaves and flowers, the grass, sand and dirt.
They will be transfixed by a worm, snail, butterfly, dog, cat or bird.
All the little every day things we take for granted will hold their atttention.

Even a walk up and down the street opens up their world
to new sights, sounds and smells.

Enjoy this special time with your toddlers!