Saturday, September 27, 2008

Everyday Eternity

What lasts for eternity?

What can I do today that will last for eternity?

Throughout the endless cycle of meals, messes,
maladies and mischief, in my toddler's day,
I can look toward eternity.
To focus my thoughts and energies on the things that truely matter.

I can use this day to teach my toddler a little more kindness,
a little more patience, a little more gentleness.

And not sweat on the temporary small stuff.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Digging Dirt

Toddlers love to potter outside.
My boys in particular loved to dig in the dirt.

Some friends were very organised and had little
gardens of vegies and flowers for their children.

We just had dirt!!

It was their little patch to dig and create as they wished.
To dig roads and tunnels for cars.
To dig dirt for Wombat Stew.
For making mud pies and mud cakes and mud dinners.
To bury treasures.
To create moonscapes.

To imagine and to play.
Just as little boys should.